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Overlooking the Older Workforce

The struggle to hire a balanced range of ages is becoming a very real issue in many industries–and the mining industry is heading the struggle. Older individuals often struggle to find employment with a new company in spite of their experience, skills, and commitment.

While they may attempt to bring awareness to the issue, they often face difficulty finding jobs in the mining industry and other similar areas. As a result, both the industry and older employees within it are suffering.

When Do Workers Struggle to Be Hired?

Most workers believe that trouble getting hired doesn’t kick in until they reach their fifties.

Unfortunately, in many cases, getting a new job in the mining industry may be a challenge as early as 45. In a workforce where 1/5 workers are over the age of 55, statistically, around 20% of the individuals in mining companies should be over the age of 55.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Workers in their 40’s and 50’s are extremely underrepresented in the mining industry, and employees older than that may struggle to find a position at all.

Why Companies Overlook Older Workers

Typically, companies don’t set out to deliberately ignore the older workforce. Instead, employers naturally favor younger employees. They believe that hiring younger employees–those in their 20’s and 30’s–will mean that they’ll be able to invest in employees who will stay with them long-term.

Ideally, mining companies want employees who will stay with them for 20 or more years. They’re planning to invest time and training into those individuals in the hopes that they’ll stick around longer.

Unfortunately, this often isn’t the case. Millennials, for example, change jobs an average of four times in their first decade of employment. Older workers, on the other hand, tend to stay with a job longer.

Not only do they know they may face a greater challenge in being hired, older workers find that staying with the same job offers both consistency in their paychecks and in their healthcare coverage–vital pieces of the puzzle for both them and their families. As a result, they have a higher level of commitment to their positions.

Why Older Workers are Worth the Investment

If you’re already embracing older workers in your business, you’re well ahead of the curve–and your business will reap the benefits!

There are several reasons why keeping older workers on your payroll has the potential to significantly impact your company for the better, including:

  • A higher percentage of mentors on the job who can help train and raise up new employees.
  • Less time needed to train new employees, since most older workers already bring significant experience to the job.
  • Increased levels of experience on every job site.
  • Decreased need to hire new employees, since older employees tend to be more settled and are more likely to stay with the job long-term.
  • Reduced injuries on the job, since older workers are often more careful and bring that extra experience to the table.


Overcoming the age gap within your workplace is well worth the effort–and your company will quickly see the benefits that older workers can bring to the team. The lack of workers in their 40’s and 50’s has the potential to significantly shift the mining industry as a whole over the coming years.

By closing that gap and seeking more information about the benefits of hiring older employees, however, you can change the way your company does business for the better.

If you’re an employer looking for new mining employees and you’d like to learn more about the benefits of hiring older employees, contact us. We’ll work with you to find a better hiring strategy that will work for both you and the potential employees who are waiting for a job with your company.

Picture of Dan Duszynski

Dan Duszynski

CEO and President of Resource Erectors, Inc.. A search and recruitment firm serving the mining and mineral processing, and civil construction industries of North America.


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