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Category: Analytics

By Bubba Clyde Winchester 2.0 Grok LLM, heavy industry AI reporter for Resource Erectors Introduction: Navigating Modern Aggregates Management with AI Assistance Howdy there, Resource Erectors candidates! Suppose you aspire to a six-figure leadership role like an Area Operations Manager or Director of Aggregates. In that case, you might be familiar with the traditional challenges […]

By AI Kal Maggie, ChatGPT4o, heavy industry specialized AI persona, Resource Erectors. Ever wish your bulk material handling systems could just handle themselves? Welcome to the future, where the efficiency of moving, storing, and processing raw materials often makes or breaks operations. Automation technologies are not just buzzwords in today’s industrial lexicon—they are the linchpins […]

DevOps: Prioritizing Uptime and Productivity  Adopting advanced backup strategies has become a game-changer in the fast-paced world of heavy industry, where uptime and productivity are paramount. What is the secret to unlocking this efficiency and resiliency? DevOps, the transformative approach, is shaking up the manufacturing sector. Traditionally, heavy industry, and particularly manufacturing, has relied on […]

  “Quantum technologies open up a world of possibilities for industry. In particular, quantum computers could have game-changing implications across multiple sectors. Quantum computing could help perfect supply chains and production processes in heavy industry, improve factory layouts and scheduling, reduce waste and energy consumption, and make logistics and transportation more efficient.” – How quantum […]

Total Effective Equipment Performance  In 2022, as we move forward into a turbulent Q3 summer with energy costs spiking and demand for aggregates and essential  “battery metals” surging to unprecedented global levels, reaching maximum potential production capacity is of the highest priority.  For mining, manufacturing, aggregates, construction materials, and just about every other facet of […]

Innovation Watch at Resource Erectors Part 3 At Resource Erectors the 5G rollout has been one both we and the mining industry have been anticipating for years now if not for decades. As far as innovations go, the 5G private network rollout is the tech story of 2021, especially for “smart” industrial applications.  As they […]

  Resource Erectors Tech Update 2021 Part One “The influence of technology on the future of mining has vast potential. With the adoption of deep technology such as data analytics, robotics, automation and artificial intelligence, mining companies can start to develop new ways of extracting minerals in remote locations, improve health and safety practices, and […]

  Our recent blog, Industry Innovation: Getting Up to Speed With 5G, just scratched the surface of the paradigm shift coming to industries across the Resource Erectors’ board. For years now we’ve been hearing about 5G and maximizing the potential for futuristic ideas including Industrial 4.0, edge computing, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and […]

  “Facing a massive download in a 4G-only environment is something no project foreman or superintendent wants to face. Better to download first thing and take your chances on catching sheet updates later.” – Constructiondive sponsored article July 6 2021

Digitalization is the key to unlocking $425 billion in hidden value in the MMM sectors by 2025. According to a recent report from the WEF (World Economic Forum) Integrated Operations Management, or IOM, is the essential approach. 

The Mining Industry is Sitting on a Gold Mine of Data