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Resource Erectors - Your for Mning & Minerals Careers

Tag: Mining Jobs

  Lucrative Careers for Geologists in Heavy Industry Mining and mineral resource production and exploration Petroleum exploration Greenhouse gas sequestration Environmental consulting companies in all the fields listed above Natural resource management in both corporate and government sectors Like so many heavy industry professions in 2022, the “candidates job market” also applies to the geology […]

  Six-figure Engineering Job #504  Job #501  April 4, 2022 In this article we’ll shine the job spotlight on the next class up from the “young guns” of engineering in the industrial recruiting hierarchy, the senior management heavy industry professionals. We’ll explain why those 5 years or more of demonstrated leadership and continuous improvement experience […]

Resource Erectors April Newsletter Exclusive Monday, April 4, 2022 Resource Erectors Spotlight: Job #502- A Career Opportunity to Move From Surface Mining to Underground Production As we move into the second quarter of 2022 we’re still riding the leading edge of the “candidate’s market” wave. That’s been the case for the past few years in […]

  Resource Erectors Industry Watch Q4 2021 24/7 optimized production is the rule in construction aggregates rather than the exception now.  Aggregate operations by the end of 2021 are under the gun and have no time for downtime. Not with a market share of nearly $74 billion on the table over the next 5 years. […]

  “Benchmark’s Lithium Carbonate Price EXW China (battery) has increased 313.33% since this time last year, reaching RMB 185,000/tonne ($28,675) in mid-October. Lithium carbonate prices are presently at all-time highs and set to continue on their upward trajectory as demand continues to outstrip supply.”- Battery Metals Supply Shortage – Miners Win, Lithium-Ion Battery Makers Lose […]

  Resource Erectors Tech Update 2021 Part One “The influence of technology on the future of mining has vast potential. With the adoption of deep technology such as data analytics, robotics, automation and artificial intelligence, mining companies can start to develop new ways of extracting minerals in remote locations, improve health and safety practices, and […]

  Experienced Mining & Construction Materials Managers and Supervisors in High Demand With 6 Figure Salaries to Match Heavy industry fields included in the top 25 median base salaries on “The Highest Paying Jobs  List” at glassdoor.com ranked Engineering Plant Manager at #15. But the $104,817 average posted there is at the low side of […]

  The possibility of 40% replacement of diesel fuel with LNG. Resource Erectors has been keeping a close eye on the Keystone shutdown effect since the Biden administration terminated the essential domestic fuel supply pipeline project. This executive order can potentially triple the cost of traditional fossil fuels. Afterwards, thousands of newly unemployed American and […]

With approximately 1,000 new people adding to the population of Texas each day, the Texas Aggregates & Concrete Association (TACA) is taking the initiative to ensure that their member companies will be able to sustain the inevitable huge demand for aggregates, concrete, and cement. 

  How quickly the human resources environment has changed since we first posted our article  “The Advantages of Boomerang Hiring in a Tight Labor Market” in December of 2019. At that time we were looking at the best unemployment numbers of a lifetime at just 3.5%, which was a 50-year low, and we focused on […]

  The mining industry has a serious shortage of employees in their 40’s and 50’s. In many cases, these individuals are not being hired and often are overlooked in an effort to make room for younger employees.

  Communist China is increasingly more aggressive about establishing a death grip monopoly on the world’s critical mineral supplies. Now two North American companies are partnering under the auspices of the U.S. – Canada Joint Action Plan on Critical Minerals to optimize high-tech rare earth element (REE) technology development.  The collaboration in an integrated “mine-to-magnet […]