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Search Results for: leadership – Page 4

“With each new pledge and plan to accelerate renewable energy deployment and build the homegrown electric auto industry of tomorrow, we are financing enormous mineral demand while doing little more than paying lip service to building the industrial base needed to supply it.”- Katie Sweeney-Billings Gazette

  Industry Watch 2021 at Resource Erectors From paving companies, to painters, to civil construction contractors, to electronics manufacturers, and even to the average American consumer, the ongoing resin shortage (and 251 other materials) in the US is causing repercussions across the board.  As we move into the final quarter of 2021 the US, the […]

  In a previous article Resource Erectors highlighted Elon Musk’s $100 million and $20 million XPRIZEs as motivation for the development of innovative CO2 capturing technology. The winning projects involved a coal-fired power plant and an LNG facility, where CO2 was captured at the stacks and injected to make concrete with higher compressive strength. While […]

  Industries in sectors ranging from minerals processing and rare earth metals, to concrete and aggregates, to gypsum materials are all initiating or following through in 2021 on strategic moves to cash in on sustainability trends. These tactics are being deployed to overcome the significant 2020 declines triggered by rampant covid 19 shutdowns.  We’ve reported […]

The term “green concrete”, not so many decades ago, used to describe the condition of freshly poured ready mix concrete in construction projects or precast concrete products that required more curing time to achieve its full average 3,000 psi strength. The term “green” as applied to concrete was all about quality control.  Now, in our […]

Calculating COV: The Business Impact of Talent Shortages COV, or Cost of Vacancy, is the most critical metric for determining the actual dollar impact of vacancies in key positions for industries across the board, and according to one leading HR expert, the COV metric is one quite often neglected.

The mining industry has a serious shortage of employees in their 40’s and 50’s. In many cases, these individuals are not being hired and often are overlooked in an effort to make room for younger employees.

The engineering field offers a smorgasbord of career paths in industries across the board. Here’s a short list from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), and this is just the top ten.  Chemical Engineer Industrial Engineer Industrial Production Manager Mechanical Engineer Materials Engineer Biomedical Engineer Architecture and Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineers Software Developers Environmental […]

In the minerals, metals, and mining industries China is undeniably a major world player, though trying to decipher the enigmatic trade practices of the CCP, the Chinese Communist Party under the strongarm leadership of Xi Jinping requires constant focus. 

Kneeling to Radical Environmentalism Leaves California Residents Sweating Out Rolling Blackouts At Resource Erectors we’re always right upfront when it comes to exciting new sustainable technology and eco-friendly advancements that lead to a better, healthier ecosystem on this little blue marble we all live and work on. We’ve even got a specially designated blog category […]

China Overplays its Hand With Uranium and Rare Earth Elements When the voracious Beijing leadership in China hinted that the Asian trade behemoth might use critical mineral exports as leverage against the US in trade negotiations last summer of 2019, they unwittingly provided the perfect impetus to forge stronger ties between the US and our […]

Calculating COV: The Business Impact of Talent Shortages COV, or Cost of Vacancy, is the most critical metric for determining the actual dollar impact of vacancies in key positions for industries across the board, and according to one leading HR expert, the COV metric is one quite often neglected.