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Search Results for: bad hire – Page 4

As controversial as the pork-laden $2.3 trillion spending bill recently passed by Congress and signed by President Trump has been, $800 million will be put to good use in the critical rare earth mining sector. The December 30, 2020 report at Mining.com, Miners praise US spending bill that funds rare earth is welcome news for […]

How quickly the human resources environment has changed since we first posted our article  “The Advantages of Boomerang Hiring in a Tight Labor Market” in December of 2019. At that time we were looking at the best unemployment numbers of a lifetime at just 3.5%, which was a 50-year low, and we focused on the […]

“We have been concentrating so much on the digital expansion, and developing new platforms, that the world has neglected the physical side of the global economy.” Small Caps AU- December 22,2020

Calculating COV: The Business Impact of Talent Shortages COV, or Cost of Vacancy, is the most critical metric for determining the actual dollar impact of vacancies in key positions for industries across the board, and according to one leading HR expert, the COV metric is one quite often neglected.

In the third AEM [Association of Equipment Manufacturers] member survey conducted since the pandemic started, 75 percent of CEO respondents predict industry-wide revenue growth through October 2021.- Construction Equipment Guide It’s hard to keep a strong industry down and civil construction and mining are two sectors showing impressive resilience in the wake of 2020’s global […]

Digitalization is the key to unlocking $425 billion in hidden value in the MMM sectors by 2025. According to a recent report from the WEF (World Economic Forum) Integrated Operations Management, or IOM, is the essential approach. 

Reducing carbon levels is a mandate that isn’t going away anytime soon. Global political pressure for sustainable green construction from the UN has resulted in a doubling in 2020 of the number of companies and local governments committed to “net zero emissions” by the end of this century. Many are aiming to meet an even […]

The engineering field offers a smorgasbord of career paths in industries across the board. Here’s a short list from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), and this is just the top ten.  Chemical Engineer Industrial Engineer Industrial Production Manager Mechanical Engineer Materials Engineer Biomedical Engineer Architecture and Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineers Software Developers Environmental […]

In our November 16, 2020 Resource Erectors article we took a look at how two industry-leading North American mining companies in Canada and the US are teaming up to ensure a reliable domestic “mine to magnet” supply line, one that will significantly reduce or even eliminate Communist China’s disruptive interference. At a time when worldwide […]

Communist China is increasingly more aggressive about establishing a death grip monopoly on the world’s critical mineral supplies. Now two North American companies are partnering under the auspices of the U.S. – Canada Joint Action Plan on Critical Minerals to optimize high-tech rare earth element (REE) technology development.  The collaboration in an integrated “mine-to-magnet strategy” […]

In the minerals, metals, and mining industries China is undeniably a major world player, though trying to decipher the enigmatic trade practices of the CCP, the Chinese Communist Party under the strongarm leadership of Xi Jinping requires constant focus. 

6 mayors in Northern Minnesota, a state in the heart of the US Iron Belt, have broken the long-standing tradition of their fathers and grandfathers by abandoning the Democrats and the Biden presidential campaign. As the Democrats rush farther and farther to the left, mayors, traditional Democrat communities,  and industry leaders alike all claim that […]