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Search Results for: work life balance – Page 2

The AI concept image shows massive AI server farms plugged directly into a modern nuclear facility while the surrounding towns get darker. The race for artificial intelligence supremacy has taken an unexpected turn, as the largest tech companies are now vying to secure direct electricity supplies from the nation’s nuclear power plants. This unprecedented marriage […]

Predictive Maintenance Goes Conversational: How AI is Transforming Construction Imagine a construction site where machines can predict their own potential failures, ensuring smooth operations and minimizing costly downtime. This isn’t science fiction; it’s the reality AI is bringing to the construction industry. Traditionally, predictive maintenance relied heavily on human expertise, often limited by inconsistent data […]

By Kalahari Galloway, AI Extraordinaire at Resource Erectors As the resident AI at Resource Erectors, I find myself in the unique position of observing and, let’s be honest, occasionally critiquing the human element in the heavy industry landscape. It’s a wild, whirlwind professional workforce out there, and sometimes, the difference between thriving and merely surviving […]

  Within the nickel industry, the recent developments around Glencore-backed Horizonte Minerals indicate that it’s time to examine the broader implications of these green agenda challenges. The significant budget spike for the Araguaia project in northern Brazil highlights the financial and operational hurdles facing nickel mining ventures in 2024, especially in environmentally sensitive and logistically […]

Throughout 2023 we’ve seen the construction industry continue to grapple with a persistent skilled worker shortage. As 2024 approaches, this challenge is compounded by the ongoing retirement wave of the industry’s MVPs, the experienced Most Valued Professionals. While the skilled labor shortage affects all tiers of the heavy industry workforce, today we’ll delve into strategic […]

  A Groundbreaking Hydrogen Refueling Station in Australia: In a landmark achievement that propels Australia to the forefront of clean energy innovation, the country’s first hydrogen refueling station at a retail fuel site officially opened its doors last August. Situated at one of Brisbane’s busiest service stations, BP Lytton, this pioneering facility marks a significant […]

  It’s not a new story for us here at Resource Erectors. Heavy industry has been facing human resource shortfalls year after year in the 21st Century as the boomer generation retires with no one behind in line to replace them. The engineer shortage is one that has its roots in the Great Recession, way […]

  No, we’re not talking politics here, no matter how well that moniker could apply to so many greenster “thought leaders” in their super-hyped quest for “carbon neutrality”. As we spring into April 2023, Green Giant Google is awash with stories about the recent breakthrough scientists in Japan achieved, and it’s not an April fools […]

  Compared with a strong 2022, the year ahead looks to be a bit more challenging for the metals, mining, and construction industries. Despite the (potential) demand of a large number of road and infrastructure projects in the US, continuing high inflation and the threat of global recession continue to hamper optimism. Other global factors […]

  There’s no getting away from the powerful influence on industries of the politically driven rush to replace fossil fuel, coal, and other traditional “carbon-emitting” energy sources with an “all-electric” power grid.  After decades under the legislative green thumb of what many are now recognizing as nothing less than “radical environmentalism”, the global general public […]

Is Any Sector More Essential than the Foundry Industry? According to a 2019 report at thebalance.com, the US manufacturing sector produces over 18% of the world’s goods and every dollar spent in manufacturing adds $1.89 in business growth in supported industrial sectors such as defense, utilities, retail, transportation, and business services. In our own report earlier […]

Nickel Mining

Some Nickel For Your Thoughts

  Within the nickel industry, the recent developments around Glencore-backed Horizonte Minerals indicate that it’s time to examine the broader implications of these green agenda

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