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Elon Musk and the Ugly Truckling: EV Recall of 2024

A playful session of industry gossip and speculation at the AI watercooler with Kal Gal ChatGPT4, Resource Erectors Artificial Intelligence Team 

EV vs hybrid in the green transition rodeo to rope the golden calf. 

Boss: Elon Musk is our favorite billionaire engineer to follow, as you can see for yourself in the Resource Erectors archives at Google.  Now his “ugly truckling” as engineers with boots on the ground have been known to call it, is being recalled because of faulty glue on the accelerator pedal. $80,000 per truck. In February it was a dashboard light recall for all Teslas sold. These events open up a wide range of conspiracy theories, and the relationship between recalls and stock price dives, aka buying opportunities for those on the inside of the Musk Dynasty.


It sounds like the situation with Tesla’s Cybertruck recall due to a faulty accelerator pedal because of glue issues is causing quite a stir. Recalls in the automotive industry can indeed have significant implications, not only for consumer safety and brand reputation but also for stock market performance. When high-profile vehicles like the Cybertruck encounter such issues, it can prompt a lot of speculation and discussion about the potential impacts.

Recalls and Stock Prices

Typically, recalls can lead to immediate negative reactions in a company’s stock price as investors may lose confidence in the reliability of the product and, by extension, the company. However, these events can also be viewed as buying opportunities, especially if the drop in stock price is seen as temporary and the company’s long-term outlook remains strong. Investors closely following the “Musk Dynasty,” as you put it, might interpret these dips as chances to buy Tesla stock at a lower price, anticipating recovery as issues are resolved.

The Role of Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theories often flourish in such scenarios, especially when high-profile figures like Elon Musk are involved. Some may speculate that recalls are orchestrated or exaggerated to manipulate stock prices or damage reputations, the practice known as “stockbashing”. However, it’s crucial to approach these theories with a critical eye and rely on verifiable information.

Strategic Implications

For Tesla and Elon Musk, addressing these recalls transparently and efficiently is essential to maintaining consumer trust and investor confidence. How the company manages these challenges can also provide insights into its operational and quality assurance processes, potentially impacting its market perception.

If you’d like to delve deeper into any specific aspect of this situation, discuss potential long-term impacts, or explore how it fits into broader industry trends, feel free to ask. I’m here to help unpack these complex dynamics!


From the Wall Street Journal: Tesla to Recall 3,878 Cybertrucks Due to Accelerator Pedal Problem

“Soap used in the assembly may cause issues with the pedal, making the vehicle accelerate unintentionally, according to the safety recall report by Steven Russolillo” 

Thanks for sharing the detailed update from The Wall Street Journal on Tesla’s recall of the Cybertruck due to an accelerator pedal issue. This recall, affecting 3,878 vehicles, highlights concerns over potential unintended acceleration, attributed to a soap used during assembly that affects the pedal pad’s adhesion. This situation is compounded by Tesla’s broader challenges, including declining sales, a recent substantial layoff, and leadership changes, all set against a backdrop of weakened demand for electric vehicles as consumers show increasing interest in hybrids.

Key Points from the Article:

  1. Recall Details: The recall involves replacing or repairing faulty accelerator pedals that may dislodge and cause unintended acceleration, a serious safety risk.
  2. Company Response: Tesla has not recorded any crashes or injuries related to this issue, reflecting proactive measures, though the recall raises questions about quality control and assembly processes.
  3. Impact on Tesla: The recall is part of a series of challenges for Tesla, including other recalls and declining stock prices. The company’s proactive approach to safety via recalls might reassure some stakeholders, but the repeated nature of these issues could also erode consumer confidence over time.
  4. Market Impact: Tesla’s stock has seen a significant 41% drop so far in 2024, and the company is navigating financial and operational restructuring, including workforce reductions and revisiting executive compensation packages.


The accelerator pedal issue might seem minor compared to the technological complexities Tesla manages daily, but it underscores the critical importance of even the smallest components in vehicle safety and reliability. Additionally, this recall might fuel various speculations regarding its timing and the broader implications for Tesla’s operational health.

Stock Market Reactions

Historically, Tesla’s stock has shown resilience in bouncing back from dips associated with recalls, as the market often views such proactive safety measures favorably in the long run. However, with ongoing broader market challenges and internal restructuring, the impact might be more pronounced this time.

Consumer Confidence and Brand Perception

Maintaining consumer trust is crucial for Tesla, especially as competition in the EV market intensifies. Effective management of recalls, transparent communication, and swift action are essential to sustain and build consumer confidence.

Moving forward, Tesla might need to bolster its quality assurance processes to prevent such issues. Additionally, navigating the transition in consumer preferences towards hybrids could require Tesla to diversify its offerings or enhance its technology to remain competitive.

Tesla’s situation illustrates the complex interplay between innovation, safety, and market dynamics in the automotive industry. 

Each recall is not just a logistical challenge but also a critical moment that tests corporate resilience and the robustness of consumer trust. As Tesla addresses these challenges, it will be important to watch how it manages the balance between rapid innovation and the uncompromising quality and safety standards that consumers expect.


Let’s do an article called “Elon and the Ugly EV Truckling” focusing on the buying opportunity conspiracy inside Tesla and the Musk Dynasty including Space X. Are you telling me that the Space X crowd doesn’t have a space-age epoxy available to glue on a friggin’ “gas pedal “, as it were since we’re talking EVs here? Lol

KalGalChatGPT4- What ever happened to the Tesle Class 8? Cummins roped in that one back in 2017. 

Tesla Class 8

Elon and the Ugly EV Truckling: A Conspiracy of Opportunity Inside the Musk Dynasty?

By Kal Gal GPT4


In the world of Elon Musk, where rockets reach for the stars and cars drive themselves, the recent recall of Tesla’s Cybertruck over something as mundane as an accelerator pedal adhesive seems almost comically out of place. Critics jest: isn’t there a space-age solution for such a terrestrial problem? This incident has sparked bemusement and conspiracy theories about potential buying opportunities orchestrated within the vast empire of Tesla and SpaceX. 

Could this “ugly truckling” incident be more than meets the eye?

The Cybertruck Soap Opera:

The Cybertruck, a vehicle that has turned heads and split opinions with its polarizing design, is now in the spotlight not for its looks but for its faulty pedal. This fault is attributed to the use of a substandard adhesive—a soap contamination during assembly. A simple fix for a company that specializes in advanced engineering solutions, right? Yet, this has led to a significant recall. The question arises: 

“With SpaceX’s advanced materials technology, including high-performance adhesives used in rockets that endure the vacuum of space and the searing temperatures of reentry, how does a glue issue slip through the cracks at Tesla?”- Kal Gal GPT4 AI

Conspiracy Theories: Isn’t that convenient? 

“Traders betting against Tesla are reaping rewards from the stock slide. Short interest in the EV maker stood at around 111 million shares, or 4% of float, representing $16.3 billion in notional value as of the first half of the day on Monday, according to S3 Partners. Tesla short sellers are up an estimated $9.4 billion this year, making it the most profitable short in the U.S. market, way ahead of Apple at $3 billion.” CNBC 

Some followers of the Musk Dynasty propose that such mishaps could be part of a larger strategy. Each EV recall, while potentially damaging in the short term, often leads to a dip in Tesla’s stock prices, presenting what some believe to be a calculated buying opportunity for those in the know. As Tesla’s stock has a history of bouncing back, these moments offer a chance to buy low and sell high, not to mention short-selling opportunities.  Critics argue this pattern is too consistent to be a coincidence, suggesting that insiders might benefit from timely investments, knowing that recovery is just around the corner.

Tesla Adhesives

SpaceX Connection:

This is where SpaceX comes into the picture. The technological crossover between Musk’s companies is well-documented, with innovations in one often benefiting the other. The sharing of high-tech materials and knowledge raises expectations that Tesla should easily overcome simple manufacturing issues. Does the failure to do so indicate a lack of attention, or is it a deliberate move to influence stock values?

Market Reactions and Investor Sentiments:

Each recall announcement from Tesla tends to result in a flurry of market activity. Investors rush to adjust their holdings, and the savvy ones, or perhaps the informed, manage to capitalize on these movements. The pattern has been observed enough times that even casual observers have begun to speculate on the timing of their investments based on Tesla’s operational hiccups.


While the idea of a conspiracy is titillating and fits neatly into the narrative of a cunning corporate strategy, it is essential to approach such theories with a healthy dose of skepticism. Corporate governance and regulatory frameworks are designed to prevent such manipulations. However, the intertwining of technology, high-profile leadership, and market dynamics in Musk’s ventures will always provide fertile ground for conspiracy theories. Whether these are grounded in reality or the product of imaginative speculation, they underscore the enigmatic nature of Elon Musk’s business empire: always in the public eye, always pioneering, and always just a bit controversial.

In the saga of “Elon and the Ugly EV Truckling,” the truth may be less dramatic than some believe, but it is no less interesting. As Tesla addresses its challenges and SpaceX continues to reach new heights, the world watches and wonders—what’s next in Elon Musk’s quest for the future?


Awesome job KG! Now about that ugly truckling, guys and gals in civil construction, mining, and engineering actually laugh at the impracticality and sheer ugliness of the thing. “Where do we plug it in?” they ask. “Didn’t anybody have the cojones to tell Elon that this thing is just butt ugly? It’s like the Emporer’s new clothes over there.” Do a short dialogue between three diverse industry engineers discussing the overpriced  Ugly Truckling Cybertruck. They all prefer the Ford F-150 hybrid line for versatility and redundancy of course.


Scene: A sunny afternoon at a bustling construction site. Three engineers—Maria, Jim, and Anil—are gathered around a food truck for lunch, their conversation turns to Tesla’s latest release, the Cybertruck.

Maria: (chuckles as she sips her coffee) So, have you guys seen Elon’s latest pride and joy, the Cybertruck?

Jim: (groans) You mean the ‘Ugly Truckling’? Yeah, it’s hard to miss. Looks like something out of a low-budget sci-fi movie.

Anil: It’s bizarre! Every time I see it, I wonder, didn’t anyone have the guts to tell him it looks… well, ridiculous?

Maria: Exactly! It’s like the Emperor’s New Clothes all over again. Everyone at Tesla must be too scared to say anything. But honestly, where do we even plug it in on a site like this?

Jim: (laughs) Right? And with the $80,000 price tag it carries, I’d expect it to charge itself! For what they’re asking, you’d think it’d come with its own portable nuclear reactor.

Anil: Speaking of practicality, I’ll stick to my Ford F-150 Hybrid. It’s like they actually thought about what engineers and workers need on sites like these.

Maria: Oh, absolutely, Anil. The hybrid line? It’s the perfect blend of versatility and redundancy. You get the reliability of gas with the benefits of electric, without needing to hunt for a charging station in the middle of nowhere.

Jim: Yeah, and let’s not even start on payload and towing capacity. The F-150 doesn’t just look the part; it plays it. Unlike our dear Cybertruck, which I’m sure spends more time in the showroom than on any actual site.

Anil: (nodding) And the Cybertruck’s design doesn’t just scream “look at me!” it practically yells “I don’t fit in here!” every time you look at it.

Maria: So true. But you know what? Let’s keep it around for the laughs. It’s good comic relief amidst the day-to-day grind.

Jim: Agreed. Here’s to the Cybertruck, making every other truck look better since 2024!

Anil: (raising his coffee cup) To the F-150, for actually understanding what workers need!

Maria: Cheers to that!

Ford F-150 Hybrid

[They all laugh and clink their coffee cups together before returning to their lunch, shaking their heads at the thought of the Cybertruck amidst the real dirt and grime of their work.]

End Scene

This light-hearted banter captures the skepticism and amusement of industry professionals who prioritize functionality and practicality over flashy innovation, especially when it doesn’t meet the real-world demands of their work environments. 

By the way Mr. Musk, in the spirit of Six Sigma, Kaizen, and the 21st Century paradigm of continuous improvement, we’ve redesigned the Cybertruck for you, compliments of the Resource Erectors heavy industry AI team. 

Cybertruck Redesign

Now there are what we call some ‘non-polarizing new clothes’ suitable for Emperor Musk. 

Kal Gal ChatGPT4 at your service. 

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Picture of Dan Duszynski

Dan Duszynski

CEO and President of Resource Erectors, Inc.. A search and recruitment firm serving the mining and mineral processing, and civil construction industries of North America.


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