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Category: Hiring Strategies

  Heavy Industry Hiring in a Turbulent Election Year 2023 was a turbulent year in itself for heavy industry sectors, and most especially for the mining industry. Under the incompetent (there’s no other way to say it) leadership of the Biden administration and an equally lackluster Congress, 2024 promises more of the same, if not […]

  “Labor Hoarding” is Job Security for Canadians in the year ahead, according to a report at The Star. Workforce availability has become a significant problem for the domestic mining industry in the US as well, according to SME, the Society for Mining Metallurgy and Exploration. The labor shortage in heavy industry is an issue […]

  Evolving Interview and Recruiting Strategies for a Modern Industrial Workforce With decades of experience in heavy industry, we know all too well that finding the right candidates for professional-level roles in mining or construction is a nuanced and evolving challenge. In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, it’s not just about finding someone with the […]

Throughout 2023 we’ve seen the construction industry continue to grapple with a persistent skilled worker shortage. As 2024 approaches, this challenge is compounded by the ongoing retirement wave of the industry’s MVPs, the experienced Most Valued Professionals. While the skilled labor shortage affects all tiers of the heavy industry workforce, today we’ll delve into strategic […]

How Tailored Schedules Benefit Engineers, Plant Personnel, and Miners We hear a lot of fuss about innovative workforce perks these days, usually in the cushy settings of Silicon Valley, where ping-pong tables and video games abound and the data mining crowd enjoys a nap on the break room bunks with company-provided snacks.  OK, to give […]

  Hiring managers in the heavy industry, listen up! We’ve all been in this frustrating situation at one time or another.  You’ve got a highly qualified candidate in your sights. They’ve aced their interviews and cleared all the screening hurdles.  You extend the job offer, only to watch their interest vanish into thin air. More […]

  It’s not a new story for us here at Resource Erectors. Heavy industry has been facing human resource shortfalls year after year in the 21st Century as the boomer generation retires with no one behind in line to replace them. The engineer shortage is one that has its roots in the Great Recession, way […]

  How Important is Your LinkedIn Profile?

  You need an operations manager who is able to strongly benefit your company–one who has the necessary traits in order to help ensure success for your operations.

“For the balance of 2022 and 2023, the company will focus on hiring on engineering, technical, and other critical roles,”-  Google CEO  Sundar Pichai –Google Slows Hiring Big Tech’s Hiring  Slowdown in 2022 Google’s  Sundar Pichai isn’t the only CEO placing a laser-like focus on essential engineering recruiting and retention. When the uber giants of […]