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Tag: Tunneling

Resource Erectors Heavy Industry Watch 2022 US steelmaker stocks took a hit last week after an outstanding year for the North American steel industry throughout 2021. The sell-off came after one Canadian CEO fell on his own sword by predicting that the North American Steel market in 2022 is analogous to “a falling knife”. Share […]

It’s called the NIMBY effect and no global industry is more universally challenged by “Not In My Back Yard” opposition than the mining and quarry sectors. Except perhaps the nuclear power industry, and in either sector, rarely is the opposition justified. 

  The more things change, the more they stay the same!” That seems to be the legacy of 2021 for “industries across the board” as we like to say when describing the scope of our heavy industry recruiting services here at Resource Erectors.  As we put the workforce and supply chain turbulence generated by the […]

  If you accept the evaluation of the folks over at Weedlife, hemp is the “dream green” construction material. But can the US make the industrial hemp transition? In 2018 President Trump signed the 2018 Farm Bill that legalized hemp as a legitimate agricultural and industrial product. That bill revived the long-lost US hemp industry […]

Resource Erectors Industry Watch Q4 2021: What a difference a year makes. Last year in October 2020, we reported that President Trump had rightly declared a national emergency in the US mining industry to secure reliable domestic mineral and battery metal resources, all to meet explosive demand in the brave new green world. Earlier in […]

  Industry Watch 2021 at Resource Erectors From paving companies, to painters, to civil construction contractors, to electronics manufacturers, and even to the average American consumer, the ongoing resin shortage (and 251 other materials) in the US is causing repercussions across the board.  As we move into the final quarter of 2021 the US, the […]

  “July was the sixth straight month of double-digit price increases for construction inputs,” said Ken Simonson, the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) chief economist, in calling for President Joe Biden to immediately end tariffs and quotas on steel, aluminum, lumber and other essential construction items.”- DCN-JOC News Service-August 13, 2021 Hyper-volatility Driving Construction […]

  “As flexible mobile technology, 3D concrete printing means the technique can be used in physically restricted areas so there is no need to develop complicated and potentially expensive logistical plans. In addition, 3D printed concrete delivers a low carbon, quick-drying solution that saves time.”- 

  Our recent blog, Industry Innovation: Getting Up to Speed With 5G, just scratched the surface of the paradigm shift coming to industries across the Resource Erectors’ board. For years now we’ve been hearing about 5G and maximizing the potential for futuristic ideas including Industrial 4.0, edge computing, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and […]

  “Facing a massive download in a 4G-only environment is something no project foreman or superintendent wants to face. Better to download first thing and take your chances on catching sheet updates later.” – Constructiondive sponsored article July 6 2021

  While the pandemic wreaked havoc on supply chains and production output in mining, manufacturing, and construction it also provided an impetus for some long-delayed innovation. Even before Covid 19 reared its ugly head, the industrial world faced the ongoing challenges that continue to this day in the way of skilled labor shortages, rigorous environmental […]

  The civil construction infrastructure sector is looking at a mass exodus of construction workers, with the Brookings Institute forecasting a yearly exit from the industry at 1.5 million workers per year, every year, over the next decade according to a June 16, 2020 article by Construction Equipment Guide correspondent Lucy Perry.   Industry experts […]