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Tag: Smart Mining Technologies

The mission challenge for engineering teams from NASA is clear, should you decide to accept it: “DESIGN, BUILD, AND TEST TERRESTRIAL ANALOG FULL-SCALE PROTOTYPES OF ROBOTIC ICY REGOLITH EXCAVATION AND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS.”- NASA  Break the Ice Challenge “Regolith” is the engineering term for “Moon dirt”, and when it comes to extracting value from dirt, there […]

  The mission challenge for engineering teams from NASA is clear, should you decide to accept it: “DESIGN, BUILD, AND TEST TERRESTRIAL ANALOG FULL-SCALE PROTOTYPES OF ROBOTIC ICY REGOLITH EXCAVATION AND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS.”- NASA  Break the Ice Challenge “Regolith” is the engineering term for “Moon dirt”, and when it comes to extracting value from dirt, […]

  Underground Mining Will Always Be a Challenge-Part 2 As the global economy transitions to the brave new “green giant” economy, demand in 2022 for underground mined resources is skyrocketing. Many heavy industry engineers are estimating that global demand for essential MMM, (Mined Metals and Minerals) will increase by a factor of at least 10 […]

  Resource Erectors Tech Update 2021 Part One “The influence of technology on the future of mining has vast potential. With the adoption of deep technology such as data analytics, robotics, automation and artificial intelligence, mining companies can start to develop new ways of extracting minerals in remote locations, improve health and safety practices, and […]

  Our recent blog, Industry Innovation: Getting Up to Speed With 5G, just scratched the surface of the paradigm shift coming to industries across the Resource Erectors’ board. For years now we’ve been hearing about 5G and maximizing the potential for futuristic ideas including Industrial 4.0, edge computing, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and […]

  “Facing a massive download in a 4G-only environment is something no project foreman or superintendent wants to face. Better to download first thing and take your chances on catching sheet updates later.” – Constructiondive sponsored article July 6 2021

  The possibility of 40% replacement of diesel fuel with LNG. Resource Erectors has been keeping a close eye on the Keystone shutdown effect since the Biden administration terminated the essential domestic fuel supply pipeline project. This executive order can potentially triple the cost of traditional fossil fuels. Afterwards, thousands of newly unemployed American and […]

Reversing the Productivity Decline in the Construction Industry

Industrial 4.0 in the Mining Industry