Mining Jobs Take Priority Over Traditional Politics in the US Iron Belt
6 mayors in Northern Minnesota, a state in the heart of the US Iron Belt, have broken the long-standing tradition of their fathers and grandfathers
6 mayors in Northern Minnesota, a state in the heart of the US Iron Belt, have broken the long-standing tradition of their fathers and grandfathers by abandoning the Democrats and the Biden presidential campaign. As the Democrats rush farther and farther to the left, mayors, traditional Democrat communities, and industry leaders alike all claim that […]
Perhaps unsurprisingly, crisis-driven investors continue to act bullish on precious metals. Gold, silver, and palladium have all rallied to highs during this pandemic ecosystem, with platinum as the exception to the rule. Obviously, there are a few reasons the demand for precious metals has boomed. Investors are uncertain of the global economic situation, precious metal […]
Back in August of last year, we discussed the Pentagon’s interest in rare earth elements production within the United States. Partially fueled by trade tensions, the Department of the Air Force leveraged the Defense Production Act to assess and evaluate the capacity and processing capabilities of rare earth minerals.
Zinc Challenges Lithium and Lead-acid Batteries in the Developing Energy Storage Market According to Andrew Green, Executive Director at the International Zinc Association, zinc producers are the “up and coming group” in the developing $30 billion energy storage market for electrical grids.
Supreme Court Battle Looming Over Lucrative Clean-burning Coal Exports to Asian Markets As any mining professional can tell you, mineral resources must be taken where they’re found. But in today’s mining industry, sitting on lucrative rich deposits is no guarantee that those resources will be able to find their way to high-demand markets. Especially if […]
Despite Declining Auto Sales, Industry Demand For Palladium Rose 2% in 2019 Stricter emissions regulations around the globe are sustaining the palladium rally of the past decade and precious metals experts at Metals Focus are predicting that the metal so vital for efficient catalytic converters will continue to rally strong in 2020. Stringent regulations now […]
$64 Million in Funds Allocated For a Revitalized US Coal Industry The Trump administration is fulfilling yet another campaign pledge to “bring back the coal industry” which President Trump in 2016 said was “decimated” by predecessor Barack Obama.
China Overplays its Hand With Uranium and Rare Earth Elements When the voracious Beijing leadership in China hinted that the Asian trade behemoth might use critical mineral exports as leverage against the US in trade negotiations last summer of 2019, they unwittingly provided the perfect impetus to forge stronger ties between the US and our […]
European Union Innovators Think Smaller May Be Better For Critical Mineral Mining Mining investors are traditionally lured by the big ROI (Return on Investment) supported by the “economies of scale” characteristic in “world-class” large deposit operations. This understandable investor bias makes it difficult to finance smaller operations for critical minerals found in small deposits where […]
Platinum and Palladium Are More Precious Than Ever Palladium is making headlines once again in 2019, with no end in sight for the surge in price that began in 2018. In this October 2019 report at, Palladium Outshines Platinum as Prices Climb to Record Highs, the platinum versus palladium rivalry that Resource Erectors’ predicted […]
Demand for Gypsum Mining and Wallboard Manufacturing At An All-time High Gypsum and wallboard manufacturers understand the importance of embracing new ideologies and practices ensuring long-term success. In doing so, they need to strike a balance to meet shareholder expectations as well as preserve their existing market and business positions.
6 mayors in Northern Minnesota, a state in the heart of the US Iron Belt, have broken the long-standing tradition of their fathers and grandfathers
Perhaps unsurprisingly, crisis-driven investors continue to act bullish on precious metals. Gold, silver, and palladium have all rallied to highs during this pandemic ecosystem, with
Back in August of last year, we discussed the Pentagon’s interest in rare earth elements production within the United States. Partially fueled by trade tensions,
Zinc Challenges Lithium and Lead-acid Batteries in the Developing Energy Storage Market According to Andrew Green, Executive Director at the International Zinc Association, zinc producers
Supreme Court Battle Looming Over Lucrative Clean-burning Coal Exports to Asian Markets As any mining professional can tell you, mineral resources must be taken where
Despite Declining Auto Sales, Industry Demand For Palladium Rose 2% in 2019 Stricter emissions regulations around the globe are sustaining the palladium rally of the
$64 Million in Funds Allocated For a Revitalized US Coal Industry The Trump administration is fulfilling yet another campaign pledge to “bring back the coal
China Overplays its Hand With Uranium and Rare Earth Elements When the voracious Beijing leadership in China hinted that the Asian trade behemoth might use
European Union Innovators Think Smaller May Be Better For Critical Mineral Mining Mining investors are traditionally lured by the big ROI (Return on Investment) supported
Platinum and Palladium Are More Precious Than Ever Palladium is making headlines once again in 2019, with no end in sight for the surge in
Demand for Gypsum Mining and Wallboard Manufacturing At An All-time High Gypsum and wallboard manufacturers understand the importance of embracing new ideologies and practices ensuring long-term
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