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Resource Erectors - Your for Mning & Minerals Careers

Tag: Leadership

In our November 16, 2020 Resource Erectors article we took a look at how two industry-leading North American mining companies in Canada and the US are teaming up to ensure a reliable domestic “mine to magnet” supply line, one that will significantly reduce or even eliminate Communist China’s disruptive interference. At a time when worldwide […]

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is predicting that the US will lead the world in post Covid-19 business insolvencies projected for 2021. “Insolvency” is defined as that sad scenario when a company is unable to pay off debts or meet bills for operational expenses. It’s important to note that corporate insolvency is not the same […]

As an operations manager, building and honing your leadership skills is a critical part of your job responsibilities. The better your leadership skills, the better the workers under your command will respond to you–and the better the working environment you will create.

A company is as strong as its employees. Leadership is important, but a committed, talented team is what truly leads to success. If you, as the employer, have to spend all your time managing turnover and correcting employee mistakes, you won’t have the resources to take your company where you want it to go.

Most hiring managers have been there: you have a highly qualified candidate that you’ve been actively pursuing for an open position. They’ve been in for an interview or two and passed several levels of screening. Then, when the time comes to fill that open position, you offer them the job–only to discover that their interest […]

The mining industry has a serious shortage of employees in their 40’s and 50’s. In many cases, these individuals are not being hired and often are overlooked in an effort to make room for younger employees.