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Tag: Industrial Minerals

European Union Innovators Think Smaller May Be Better For Critical Mineral Mining Mining investors are traditionally lured by the big ROI (Return on Investment) supported by the “economies of scale” characteristic in “world-class” large deposit operations. This understandable investor bias makes it difficult to finance smaller operations for critical minerals found in small deposits where […]

10 Industrial Minerals Everyone Has in Their Pocket Industrial minerals are anything but glamorous. At first mention, most folks conjure up images of sand, limestone, or perhaps clay for bricks. They are the rawest of raw materials and, as such, they play critically important but invisible roles in the infrastructure and technologies that make the […]

West Texas is experiencing an oil and gas drilling boom—this latest rush is attributed to techniques like horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracking.

We’ve previously discussed various ways in which technological innovation is reaching across all sectors of industry. Buckminster Fuller once said, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

Many people get frustrated quickly when gas prices go up. It means higher expenses at the pump whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, and rising gas prices often lead to rising prices in other commodities as well.