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Tag: Construction Materials Recycling

The Many Benefits of Shotcrete in Geotechnical Engineering

Good News For the 2019 Aggregate Market is Good News For Mining Professionals

The FGD Gypsum Market is Poised For a Growth Boom

Cost, ESG Standards, and the Trend to Renewable Energy in Mining

A Solution to the Sand Shortage With a Lower Carbon Footprint

The Green Cement Concept As the most commonly used building material on the planet, concrete’s industrial popularity has always made it a prime target for the environmentally conscious “green movement.” According to Smithsonian,

West Texas is experiencing an oil and gas drilling boom—this latest rush is attributed to techniques like horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracking.

It seems the construction industry has sauntered along for decades with the basic concepts remaining intact for erecting homes, commercial, or industrial buildings.

Most hiring managers have been there: you have a highly qualified candidate that you’ve been actively pursuing for an open position. They’ve been in for an interview or two and passed several levels of screening. Then, when the time comes to fill that open position, you offer them the job–only to discover that their interest […]

It can be discouraging looking for a new job in the mining industry as an older worker. Throughout the mining industry, many companies are seeking to hire younger employees in the hopes they can groom them into employees who will stay with the company for 20 years or more.