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Search Results for: green minerals – Page 5

  In the interest of greenwashed “scientific” accuracy, (and we use the term loosely) let us first stand corrected, concerning our statement in a previous blog that daily glacial methane emissions are equivalent to 136,000 cow farts.  According to the brilliant minds at Science Daily, and one of those ubiquitous yet anonymous “recent studies” cited […]

  The mining industry’s top geologists have already stepped up to the plate and hit home runs with major league mineral discoveries in 2023… But will unqualified politicians get out of the way and let the engineers round the bases to supply the grand slam demand for phosphate rock they themselves have created with their […]

  “Heavy industry is a type of business that involves large-scale undertakings, big equipment, large areas of land, high cost, and high barriers to entry. It contrasts with light industry, or production that is small-scale, can be completed in factories or small facilities, costs less, and has lower barriers to entry.”- Investopedia – Heavy Industry: […]

  “Phosphate in North America is depleting. In terms of purified phosphoric acid (PPA), you cannot create any more of it. It’s already being used for food. There’s not a lot of extra capacity for the battery, but batteries are going to require a lot more PPA,”- First Phosphate CEO John Passalacqua.   There Ain’t […]

  Platinum Prices Spring Ahead in 2023   “Prices leaped from just above $900 an ounce in late February to $1,132.17 on April 21, the highest in more than a year, before easing to around $1,050 by Tuesday.” [May2]. – Mining.com Platinum price surges as speculators bet supply will run short   Platinum is more […]

  The venerable diesel engine, the workhorse relied upon to liberate and move massive quantities of those “green machine” minerals and metals in the first place, may be more sustainable than a gullible public has been led to believe when material recycling, longevity, and durability are factored into the equation. Remanufacturing can resurrect an old […]

  No, we’re not talking politics here, no matter how well that moniker could apply to so many greenster “thought leaders” in their super-hyped quest for “carbon neutrality”. As we spring into April 2023, Green Giant Google is awash with stories about the recent breakthrough scientists in Japan achieved, and it’s not an April fools […]

  Green transition nations are seeing red over China’s rusty supply chain. In 2023 “delinking” from China is the move to make. “Using the Global 500 list as a benchmark, the US and China still pack about equal punch, though the weird hybrid of “communist capitalism” has OEMs in the rest of the world looking […]

“China is out there and is trying to win every race globally. The West must do everything it can to subvert its efforts and find alternative nations to work with,”  David Zaikin- CEO of Key Elements Group, alumnus and founder of the Mining Club at the London Business School- Inside Sources, March 2021 It’s not […]

  A new book just out on the hazardous world of primitive cobalt mining in the DRC, the world’s largest cobalt-producing nation, is having quite an impact on the 2023 mining sector. Not to mention the all-electric,carbon-free, greentopia of 2030 envisioned by green thought leaders such as our favorite engineer/ entrepreneur Elon Musk, who made […]

  In 2023 the heavy industry sector continues to meet the challenges of a perfect supply and demand storm consisting of a robust 21st-century construction boom while complying with the restrictive production inhibiting “green” policies often founded on obsolete 1970s environmental false alarms.  Building Demand For Essential Resources to Support a Population of 10 Billion […]

  At Resource Erectors we always say that there’s never been a better time to be an engineer. But there may be a better place to put your professional talents to work and earn the lucrative compensation and benefits you deserve. Is it Time For Your Geographic Career Move? There are those times in life […]