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Search Results for: green environment – Page 5

  The quarrying industry is critical for the extraction of valuable minerals and materials for construction and infrastructure projects. Not to mention agriculture, water treatment, and manufacturing, and the list goes on. Liberating those essential raw materials comes at a human and environmental cost, and the quarrying industry has historically been fraught with safety risks […]

Imagine waking up in a world where your daily commute is powered by the very roads beneath your wheels. Your autonomous electric vehicle glides silently over concrete highways and streets that feed it energy, eliminating the need for frequent stops to recharge. Lounging in the back seat while your car does the driving via centralized […]

Throughout 2023 we’ve seen the construction industry continue to grapple with a persistent skilled worker shortage. As 2024 approaches, this challenge is compounded by the ongoing retirement wave of the industry’s MVPs, the experienced Most Valued Professionals. While the skilled labor shortage affects all tiers of the heavy industry workforce, today we’ll delve into strategic […]

How Tailored Schedules Benefit Engineers, Plant Personnel, and Miners We hear a lot of fuss about innovative workforce perks these days, usually in the cushy settings of Silicon Valley, where ping-pong tables and video games abound and the data mining crowd enjoys a nap on the break room bunks with company-provided snacks.  OK, to give […]

  Heavy-handed. Manipulative. Controlling. These are the words that come to mind when one thinks about China’s long-standing monopoly over the production and supply of rare earth metals, also known as REE or Rare Earth Elements.  Critical Mineral Markets in Critical Condition China’s dominance in critical mineral markets largely contributes to the undercurrents of geopolitical […]

  In our ongoing quest for a cleaner, more sustainable future in this century, it’s vital to recognize that the road to renewable energy isn’t a one-way street paved solely with the latest green technology. Practicality and proven reliability must guide our energy discretion, particularly when safety, not to mention performance is at stake.  Students […]

  Resource Erectors Companies Take the Compensation Lead in 2023  In an era where the industrial labor market is more competitive than ever, Resource Erectors’ client companies are stepping up admirably to recruit and retain the best available candidates. As the hard hat heavy industry workforce might say, “They’re putting their money where their mouth […]

  German cement giant Heidelberg Materials, in partnership with the governments of Canada and the province of Alberta, has unveiled what they claim is the world’s first full-scale carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) facility at a cement plant. Located in Edmonton, Alberta, the new C$1.4 billion project will help pave the way for decarbonizing […]

  In the interest of greenwashed “scientific” accuracy, (and we use the term loosely) let us first stand corrected, concerning our statement in a previous blog that daily glacial methane emissions are equivalent to 136,000 cow farts.  According to the brilliant minds at Science Daily, and one of those ubiquitous yet anonymous “recent studies” cited […]

  The mining industry’s top geologists have already stepped up to the plate and hit home runs with major league mineral discoveries in 2023… But will unqualified politicians get out of the way and let the engineers round the bases to supply the grand slam demand for phosphate rock they themselves have created with their […]

  The MSM mainstream manipulators are all “a Twitter” over Elon Musk’s move to team up with young Republican gun Florida governor Ron DeSantis. As the anything-but-progressive Biden regime and its uni-party minions watch their woke, broke, covid-phobic,  socialist agenda circling the drain, Musk and DeSantis are poised to tap into a rich populist vein […]

  Platinum Prices Spring Ahead in 2023   “Prices leaped from just above $900 an ounce in late February to $1,132.17 on April 21, the highest in more than a year, before easing to around $1,050 by Tuesday.” [May2]. – Mining.com Platinum price surges as speculators bet supply will run short   Platinum is more […]