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Search Results for: Musk – Page 3

  “Phosphate in North America is depleting. In terms of purified phosphoric acid (PPA), you cannot create any more of it. It’s already being used for food. There’s not a lot of extra capacity for the battery, but batteries are going to require a lot more PPA,”- First Phosphate CEO John Passalacqua.   There Ain’t […]

  Platinum Prices Spring Ahead in 2023   “Prices leaped from just above $900 an ounce in late February to $1,132.17 on April 21, the highest in more than a year, before easing to around $1,050 by Tuesday.” [May2]. – Mining.com Platinum price surges as speculators bet supply will run short   Platinum is more […]

“China is out there and is trying to win every race globally. The West must do everything it can to subvert its efforts and find alternative nations to work with,”  David Zaikin- CEO of Key Elements Group, alumnus and founder of the Mining Club at the London Business School- Inside Sources, March 2021 It’s not […]

  So far in 2023 we’ve been keeping an interested eye on the subtle shift in the dominant green narrative here at Resource Erectors. In 2023 we’re finally seeing some corporate counter-punching and real-world advancements in more practical “drop-in” solutions for a truly green transition. The green shift toward hydrogen and fuel agnostic diesel power […]

  Are FCEVs a practical “drop-in” technology for the Green Transition? While the diesel sector powers up in 2023  with renewable biofuels and fuel-agnostic internal combustion horsepower, and new EV wheel loader production investments from industry leaders such as Volvo CE, the hydrogen sector isn’t far behind. Some may even say that Fuel Cell Electric […]

  “The technical enabler of today’s trucking industry is diesel fuel. The equipment and the capabilities of the industry have all evolved around diesel not gasoline, not batteries and not compressed natural gas, but lowly diesel. For several reasons, diesel engines were found, many decades ago, to be the best engine and fuel for trucks.”- […]

  Compared with a strong 2022, the year ahead looks to be a bit more challenging for the metals, mining, and construction industries. Despite the (potential) demand of a large number of road and infrastructure projects in the US, continuing high inflation and the threat of global recession continue to hamper optimism. Other global factors […]

  “While other battery metals including cobalt and nickel are down significantly from highs hit earlier this year, lithium continues to sell at record prices with carbonate prices doubling this year alone.”-  ANIMATION: Race is on for global lithium mining domination-mining.com Battery Metals are a Long-Term Priority for Miners and Manufacturers “At today’s price, Tesla […]

  “Business is booming for companies associated with the coal mining industry, with no end in sight.”- Bluefield Daily Telegraph- Wednesday, September 21, 2022  “Based on current economic and market trends, global coal consumption is forecast to rise by 0.7% in 2022 to 8 billion tonnes, assuming the Chinese economy recovers as expected in the […]

  As a refugee from communism herself, Ayn Rand saw the disastrous consequences of the global socialist mindset in action, and the degeneration it can cause in a free market republic, way back in the 1930s.  Atlas Shrugged is her prophetic blueprint of the inevitable, logical consequences of illogical socialist thinking. Rand takes the “if […]

  Falling EV Profit Margins in Summer 2022 Elon Musk has called the intense process of getting lithium out of the ground, subsequently refined, and into his Teslas as “the hard part” of the EV manufacturing supply chain. The billionaire engineer with an MBA even went so far as to describe the lithium refiners who […]

  Does Elon Musk Belong on Interesting Engineering’s The 20+ Greatest Engineers of All Time list?  We had an enjoyable time here at Resource Erectors,  scrolling through this impressive list of engineering Hall of Famers at InterestingEngineering. But from the industrial history point of view, we’d do a bit of renumbering when it comes to […]