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Search Results for: smart manufacturing – Page 2

  When the distinct and specialized fields of electronics and mechanical engineering merge the result is the exciting 21st Century career path for engineers known as “mechatronics”. 

  Green transition nations are seeing red over China’s rusty supply chain. In 2023 “delinking” from China is the move to make. “Using the Global 500 list as a benchmark, the US and China still pack about equal punch, though the weird hybrid of “communist capitalism” has OEMs in the rest of the world looking […]

“China is out there and is trying to win every race globally. The West must do everything it can to subvert its efforts and find alternative nations to work with,”  David Zaikin- CEO of Key Elements Group, alumnus and founder of the Mining Club at the London Business School- Inside Sources, March 2021 It’s not […]

Overcoming Public Bias Against Mining

  For much of the past decade, heavy industry has devoted a substantial portion of CAPEX to developing “end-to-end” digitalized process technology to optimize production in industrial sectors across the board. We’ve been following the transition to 5G,  advanced AI, machine learning, BIG Data, and analytics in heavy industry here at Resource Erectors for decades. […]

  Atlas shrugging, essential raw material costs spiking if they’re available at all, environmental obstacles, and the real epidemic of Force Majeure Clauses,  a term that far too many of us have become familiar with in the year we’re calling Catch 2022.  Sound familiar?  “We’re getting half-loads every day now. What used to take me […]

  Great Engineering Toys of the Industrial Revolution at Resource Erectors And we’re not talking about Choo-choo Charlie and his Lionels here.  So far in our romp through the history of the Industrial Revolution, we’ve spotlighted the great innovations of engineering such as the steam engine, the precursor to the transistor, and even the very […]

  Underground Mining Will Always Be a Challenge-Part 2 As the global economy transitions to the brave new “green giant” economy, demand in 2022 for underground mined resources is skyrocketing. Many heavy industry engineers are estimating that global demand for essential MMM, (Mined Metals and Minerals) will increase by a factor of at least 10 […]

Innovation Watch at Resource Erectors Part 3 At Resource Erectors the 5G rollout has been one both we and the mining industry have been anticipating for years now if not for decades. As far as innovations go, the 5G private network rollout is the tech story of 2021, especially for “smart” industrial applications.  As they […]

  Sustaining Domestic Battery Metal Supply Chains The inevitable rollout of 5G, the transition to all-electric vehicles, and lucrative battery metal partnerships between miners and EV manufacturers in the US, Canada, and Australia, are the drivers for building stable domestic battery metal supply chains. And in most cases, the term “domestic” is diplomatic industry-speak for […]

  “Facing a massive download in a 4G-only environment is something no project foreman or superintendent wants to face. Better to download first thing and take your chances on catching sheet updates later.” – Constructiondive sponsored article July 6 2021

  The impressive Q2 numbers for mining players like Endeavour Silver Corporation, a silver mining company out of Vancouver, British Columbia, are yet another example of the 2021 “silver lining” in the Covid 19 cloud that lingered over the global economy in 2020.