3 Major Factors For a Precious Metals and Mining Surge in 2021
Despite the Covid 19 economic obstacles to be overcome in 2020, the precious metals sector managed to log quite an impressive record. Gold bullion even
Despite the Covid 19 economic obstacles to be overcome in 2020, the precious metals sector managed to log quite an impressive record. Gold bullion even managed a 25% leap, its best year since 2010 to close out the decade. As impressive as gold’s performance was in 2020, silver still managed to outpace the world’s favorite […]
In our November 16, 2020 Resource Erectors article we took a look at how two industry-leading North American mining companies in Canada and the US are teaming up to ensure a reliable domestic “mine to magnet” supply line, one that will significantly reduce or even eliminate Communist China’s disruptive interference. At a time when worldwide […]
Communist China is increasingly more aggressive about establishing a death grip monopoly on the world’s critical mineral supplies. Now two North American companies are partnering under the auspices of the U.S. – Canada Joint Action Plan on Critical Minerals to optimize high-tech rare earth element (REE) technology development. The collaboration in an integrated “mine-to-magnet strategy” […]
While President Trump easily shrugged off the coronavirus and emerged from Walter Reed hospital “feeling better than I have in 20 years” he certainly isn’t shrugging off the ongoing threat of communist China and the death grip the Communist Chinese Party is trying to establish and maintain with a worldwide monopoly on rare earth elements […]
During Tesla’s recent 2020 shareholders meeting (a.k.a. “Battery Day”), Elon Musk — CEO of Tesla and Chairman at SolarCity — talked for a good hour about batteries. Particularly, Musk discussed innovations in lithium-ion batteries — such as replacing cobalt with nickel cathodes.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, crisis-driven investors continue to act bullish on precious metals. Gold, silver, and palladium have all rallied to highs during this pandemic ecosystem, with platinum as the exception to the rule. Obviously, there are a few reasons the demand for precious metals has boomed. Investors are uncertain of the global economic situation, precious metal […]
Back in August of last year, we discussed the Pentagon’s interest in rare earth elements production within the United States. Partially fueled by trade tensions, the Department of the Air Force leveraged the Defense Production Act to assess and evaluate the capacity and processing capabilities of rare earth minerals.
China Overplays its Hand With Uranium and Rare Earth Elements When the voracious Beijing leadership in China hinted that the Asian trade behemoth might use critical mineral exports as leverage against the US in trade negotiations last summer of 2019, they unwittingly provided the perfect impetus to forge stronger ties between the US and our […]
European Union Innovators Think Smaller May Be Better For Critical Mineral Mining Mining investors are traditionally lured by the big ROI (Return on Investment) supported by the “economies of scale” characteristic in “world-class” large deposit operations. This understandable investor bias makes it difficult to finance smaller operations for critical minerals found in small deposits where […]
10 Industrial Minerals Everyone Has in Their Pocket Industrial minerals are anything but glamorous. At first mention, most folks conjure up images of sand, limestone, or perhaps clay for bricks. They are the rawest of raw materials and, as such, they play critically important but invisible roles in the infrastructure and technologies that make the […]
West Texas is experiencing an oil and gas drilling boom—this latest rush is attributed to techniques like horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracking.
We’ve previously discussed various ways in which technological innovation is reaching across all sectors of industry. Buckminster Fuller once said, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Despite the Covid 19 economic obstacles to be overcome in 2020, the precious metals sector managed to log quite an impressive record. Gold bullion even
In our November 16, 2020 Resource Erectors article we took a look at how two industry-leading North American mining companies in Canada and the US
Communist China is increasingly more aggressive about establishing a death grip monopoly on the world’s critical mineral supplies. Now two North American companies are partnering
While President Trump easily shrugged off the coronavirus and emerged from Walter Reed hospital “feeling better than I have in 20 years” he certainly isn’t
During Tesla’s recent 2020 shareholders meeting (a.k.a. “Battery Day”), Elon Musk — CEO of Tesla and Chairman at SolarCity — talked for a good
Perhaps unsurprisingly, crisis-driven investors continue to act bullish on precious metals. Gold, silver, and palladium have all rallied to highs during this pandemic ecosystem, with
Back in August of last year, we discussed the Pentagon’s interest in rare earth elements production within the United States. Partially fueled by trade tensions,
China Overplays its Hand With Uranium and Rare Earth Elements When the voracious Beijing leadership in China hinted that the Asian trade behemoth might use
European Union Innovators Think Smaller May Be Better For Critical Mineral Mining Mining investors are traditionally lured by the big ROI (Return on Investment) supported
10 Industrial Minerals Everyone Has in Their Pocket Industrial minerals are anything but glamorous. At first mention, most folks conjure up images of sand, limestone,
West Texas is experiencing an oil and gas drilling boom—this latest rush is attributed to techniques like horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracking.
We’ve previously discussed various ways in which technological innovation is reaching across all sectors of industry. Buckminster Fuller once said, “You never change things by fighting the
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