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Category: Insider

The situation surrounding the global nickel market is complex and fraught with significant geopolitical, environmental, and economic implications. The manipulation of nickel pricing by operations predominantly in communist countries, such as China, and the strategic response from Western countries, particularly Australia, reveal deep-seated challenges in the global commodities market.
Here are five reasons why companies should embrace older workers and the advantages they bring to the mining industry.
Why do your job candidates lose interest? A few simple changes to your hiring process can create a substantial difference in how candidates respond.
By looking for the following traits during your interviewing process, you can hire the best operations manager who will be a great fit for your mining, construction and manufacturing operations.

  AI is touted everywhere in 2024 as the miraculous solution for resolving all the world’s problems. But it’s just as probable that the AI rush-to-market could easily become the world’s biggest problem.  We are still early in the pioneering days of AI and the rush to market of 3-wheeled wagons like Google’s Deep Mind […]

  Within the nickel industry, the recent developments around Glencore-backed Horizonte Minerals indicate that it’s time to examine the broader implications of these green agenda challenges. The significant budget spike for the Araguaia project in northern Brazil highlights the financial and operational hurdles facing nickel mining ventures in 2024, especially in environmentally sensitive and logistically […]

  In 2024 we’re quickly evolving into a world where the new buildings rising up around us are not just mere structures. The latest innovations are reinventing common building materials, turning them into green champions of sustainability. Sometimes, they even sprout mushrooms! Yes, you read that right. From hemp rebar to mushroom-sprouting building columns, the […]

  AC vs DC, Spreadsheets, and the Philosophy of Continuous Improvement The “War of the Currents” serves as a prime example of the necessity for re-engineering, even when a brilliant original concept is deeply entrenched by the work of a genius. In one notable historical episode, Thomas Edison, a titan of innovation with his direct […]

Nickel Mining

Red China’s Indonesian Nickel Flood and the Pushback from Western Mining

The situation surrounding the global nickel market is complex and fraught with significant geopolitical, environmental, and economic implications. The manipulation of nickel pricing by operations predominantly in communist countries, such as China, and the strategic response from Western countries, particularly Australia, reveal deep-seated challenges in the global commodities market.

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Nickel Mining

Some Nickel For Your Thoughts

  Within the nickel industry, the recent developments around Glencore-backed Horizonte Minerals indicate that it’s time to examine the broader implications of these green agenda

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