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Category: Careers & Recruitment

  During Tesla’s recent 2020 shareholders meeting (a.k.a. “Battery Day”), Elon Musk — CEO of Tesla and Chairman at SolarCity — talked for a good hour about batteries. Particularly, Musk discussed innovations in lithium-ion batteries — such as replacing cobalt with nickel cathodes. 

  McKinsey suggests that the COVID-19 crisis will reshape the construction industry, radically shift supply and value chains, and create the blueprint for the industry moving forward. While all of these are certainly true, COVID-19 isn’t simply a “disrupter.” It’s a tangible threat to the industry’s bottom-line. How is COVID-19 impacting the 2021 forecast for […]

In August of 2020 Tunnel Business Magazine published an eye-opening analysis of the exorbitantly high cost of US tunnels when compared with similar underground infrastructure projects around the world. The first and worst case cited was New York City’s Second Avenue Subway which opened to the public on January 1, 2017 after racking up an […]

  “Integrating the pre-COVID-19 [sustainability] agenda into the post-COVID-19 action plan.” — Alexandre L’Heureux, President of WSP Global Despite the ongoing pandemic, sustainability is still the driving trend in construction. The post-crisis resiliency of construction firms is tightly hinged to how they handle sustainability going forward. According to McKinsey, the “new normal” in construction will […]

6 mayors in Northern Minnesota, a state in the heart of the US Iron Belt, have broken the long-standing tradition of their fathers and grandfathers by abandoning the Democrats and the Biden presidential campaign. As the Democrats rush farther and farther to the left, mayors, traditional Democrat communities,  and industry leaders alike all claim that […]

The COVID pandemic has impacted pretty much every part of the economy. New construction is no exception to the rule.

Unemployment rates in the United States are at  an all-time high. Yet, in the middle of this ongoing pandemic, civil construction companies are facing a unique problem: they can’t find enough talent and demand for skilled workers remains high. Recent data from The Civil Quarterly Vol. 1 shows that contractors in the construction sector may […]

As civil construction continues to endure the unprecedented economic and social storm brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s a silver lining: construction jobs rebounded in May, recouping half of the losses from April. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, construction produced the second-largest gains in May — behind hospitality and travel.

Back in August of last year, we discussed the Pentagon’s interest in rare earth elements production within the United States. Partially fueled by trade tensions, the Department of the Air Force leveraged the Defense Production Act to assess and evaluate the capacity and processing capabilities of rare earth minerals.

Closing the Skills Gap With New and Existing Employees Securing a pipeline of valuable talent in a historically tight labor market has the manufacturing industry investing big to “upskill” their existing workforce and provide attractive, lucrative career paths to attract new employees.

The Best Employment Numbers of a Lifetime Creates Recruiting Challenges “Mad Money’s” Jim Cramer made headlines recently when the 64-year-old Wall Street expert reported on the December 2019 3.5% unemployment number posted by the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics saying;

Federal, State, and Local Governments Are Moving to Upgrade Infrastructure The American Road and Transportation Builder’s Association (ARTBA) is projecting at least 5% growth in the transportation infrastructure construction sector in 2020, according to the ARTBA annual report. In their December 2019 press release, ARTBA’s chief economist, Dr. Alison Premo Black stated: