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Resource Erectors - Your for Mning & Minerals Careers

Category: Careers in Mining

  Atlas shrugging, essential raw material costs spiking if they’re available at all, environmental obstacles, and the real epidemic of Force Majeure Clauses,  a term that far too many of us have become familiar with in the year we’re calling Catch 2022.  Sound familiar?  “We’re getting half-loads every day now. What used to take me […]

“For the balance of 2022 and 2023, the company will focus on hiring on engineering, technical, and other critical roles,”-  Google CEO  Sundar Pichai –Google Slows Hiring Big Tech’s Hiring  Slowdown in 2022 Google’s  Sundar Pichai isn’t the only CEO placing a laser-like focus on essential engineering recruiting and retention. When the uber giants of […]

The mission challenge for engineering teams from NASA is clear, should you decide to accept it: “DESIGN, BUILD, AND TEST TERRESTRIAL ANALOG FULL-SCALE PROTOTYPES OF ROBOTIC ICY REGOLITH EXCAVATION AND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS.”- NASA  Break the Ice Challenge “Regolith” is the engineering term for “Moon dirt”, and when it comes to extracting value from dirt, there […]

  The mission challenge for engineering teams from NASA is clear, should you decide to accept it: “DESIGN, BUILD, AND TEST TERRESTRIAL ANALOG FULL-SCALE PROTOTYPES OF ROBOTIC ICY REGOLITH EXCAVATION AND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS.”- NASA  Break the Ice Challenge “Regolith” is the engineering term for “Moon dirt”, and when it comes to extracting value from dirt, […]

  Record-setting 4.5 Million Quit Rate Puts More Upward Pressure On Wages According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 3% of all US workers, totaling 4.5 million, voluntarily quit their jobs in March, representing an increase of 150,000 in the quit rate from February. The statistic is even more impressive since it tops a 20-year […]

  Six-figure Engineering Job #504  Job #501  April 4, 2022 In this article we’ll shine the job spotlight on the next class up from the “young guns” of engineering in the industrial recruiting hierarchy, the senior management heavy industry professionals. We’ll explain why those 5 years or more of demonstrated leadership and continuous improvement experience […]

Resource Erectors April Newsletter Exclusive Monday, April 4, 2022 Resource Erectors Spotlight: Job #502- A Career Opportunity to Move From Surface Mining to Underground Production As we move into the second quarter of 2022 we’re still riding the leading edge of the “candidate’s market” wave. That’s been the case for the past few years in […]

The top Resource Erectors employer requested hot keyword trends for Q2, March 29, 2022  heavy industry engineering sector: “Continuous improvement”…”ERP”…”Enterprise Resource Planning”…”Plant Layout”  ”Lean”…”Kaizen”…”Six-Sigma” “Project Manager”…”Reliability and Improvement”… Process Engineering in the Industrial Sector 2022 In Q1 2022 we kept up to speed on the problems and challenges faced by heavy industry companies operating in […]

  “Advances in overland conveying technology have improved efficiency, reduced capital and operating costs, and made the conveying process more environmentally friendly and sustainable. One important metric that supports this is the cost for transporting material, which is $2 – $3 less per ton using overland conveying compared to trucking, factoring in capital expense and […]

  The engineering field offers a smorgasbord of career paths in industries across the board. Here’s a short list from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), and this is just the top ten.  Chemical Engineer Industrial Engineer Industrial Production Manager Mechanical Engineer Materials Engineer Biomedical Engineer Architecture and Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineers Software Developers […]

The Move From Engineer to General Manager Mining engineering professionals with 15+ years of operational experience are close to making the next step up the career ladder to General Manager positions. To make that move, professional engineering candidates at this high level should be prepared to tap into all of their experience garnered over the […]

Moving Up the Mining Engineer Career Ladder The United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics employment forecast for mining engineers is projecting continued growth at 8% for the ten-year window 2016-2026. With the demand for coal, metal, and minerals ever on the rise to meet the needs of growing markets for construction materials, […]